
There are over 200 species of these great birds of prey throughout the world. Most are solitary birds and they prefer to hunt at night. The smallest is the elf owl with a wingspan of 10.5 inches and can be found in the Southwest of North America and Northern Mexico region. One of the largest owls is the Eurasian Eagle Owl with has a wingspan of 5-6ft found in Europe and Asia. There is so much to love about this amazing bird of prey.

Explore User Posts In Owls

Barred Owl, Too!

By Steven M - September 27, 2020

I have a pair of barred owls that frequent my yard. In fact, when they are not around or I can’t hear their “who-cooks-for-you” call, I miss them. However, the other day, I was taking our Maltese outside to sniff... [Read More].

Our Neighborhood Barred Owl

By Steven M - September 26, 2020

I was out walking in my yard one evening last week, looking at what was starting to grow and bloom in our garden. I walked around the corner of my house, and this barred owl, you see in the photo,... [Read More].

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