The tour won’t take you long, and it’s well worth it.

This 500-year-old craftsman home in Rothenburg, Germany, was built in 1270 and has been home to craftsmen, such as cobblers, weavers, and others through the centuries. Well-preserved is the cottage and its contents. A hermit living in the home in the 1800s never modernized the home or added electricity. The furniture and contents of the house are original. Take a tour of the home, and you’ll experience how people lived before modern conveniences.

The price to tour the home isn’t that high, and it won’t take you very long to tour the cottage. You’ll find the cobblers tools and a primitive bathroom on the first floor. The cottage has an access door to the basement. Visitors can’t go down there. Climb the creaky, crooked steps, and you’ll find bedrooms and a kitchen area. You’ll see the beds and furniture where the children and adults used to sleep. Venture up to the attic where you’ll find old wooden tools used by the craftspeople through the centuries, along with other primitive objects, tables, and chairs.

I wonder if we could ever take a step back, reduce our energy, internet access, and simplify our lives. It may do us a world of good.

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