Spring Flowers

After a long gray winter, what could be more beautiful than spring flowers bursting into bloom? From sunny yellow daffodils to heavenly scented hyacinths to bleeding hearts, and more they are sure to brighten your landscape and bring a smile to your face.

Explore User Posts In Spring Flowers

Sunny Spring Daffodils

By Steven M - April 13, 2020

Spring came early, and my daffodils shot out of the ground and bloomed during the unusually warm March weather. But after winter, I was happy to see their sunny faces. The days and nights cooled down the past few weeks,... [Read More].

The Perfect Front-of-the-Border Iris

By Steven M - April 20, 2016

I have a few iris growing in my zone 5 garden ranging from a few inches to a few feet tall. ‘Cherry Garden’ is a gorgeous standard dwarf bearded iris at the front of my front yard island bed. Since... [Read More].

A Must-Have Flower for Your Spring Garden

By Steven M - April 12, 2016

Tree peonies can be a bit expensive, but the stunning 8 to 10-inch fragrant flowers that bloom for a couple of weeks are simply amazing. They are different than the herbaceous peonies you’ve known from your grandmother’s garden and cemeteries.... [Read More].

One of My Favorite Perennials for Spring Shade Gardens

By Steven M - February 18, 2016

This is probably one of the most striking bleeding hearts that I’ve grown. ‘Gold Heart’ has been growing happily in my garden for more than five years and keeps coming back stronger than ever. The dainty pink flowers nod on... [Read More].

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