Brandy Drinks

Brandy which is created from distilled wine dates back to the 12th century. Neat, on the rocks, mixed with other beverages as a cocktail or even used in cooking brandy has is a popular spirit. What’s your favorite drink, brand or recipe using brandy? From brandy Alexander to a sidecar or brandy old fashioned, share your favorites here. Include tips on where you can get the best brandy drinks to how to cook with brandy so others can share your passion.

Explore User Posts In Brandy Drinks

Refreshing Summer Brandy Drink

By Steven M - July 9, 2020

Here’s a  refreshing summer brandy drink I’ve been experimenting with lately when friends come over on a Saturday evening. I think I’ve hit on the perfect cocktail that everyone loves on a hot summer night. The only caution is that... [Read More].

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