The Piccolomini Library located in the cathedral of Siena, Tuscany, Italy is a must-see when visiting the cathedral. As you pass through the door, you’ll be amazed at the brightly-colored frescoes covering the walls and ceiling of the room, the sculpture, and manuscripts from centuries past.

The frescoes were painted by Pinturicchio between 1503 and 1508. The walls were divided into ten scenes, representing various important stages in the life of Pope Pius II. To honor his uncle, Pope Pius II, Cardinal Francesco Todeschini, archbishop of Siena, later to be named Pope Pius III, commissioned the construction of the library to begin in 1492.

As you enter the room, a group of marble sculptures, The Three Graces, stand in the center. Glass showcases positioned around the room contain large 15th and 16th-century liturgical manuscripts with fine, colorful illustrations offering a look into Italian history.

It’s not a large room but spend some time here taking it all in before moving on to the rest of the cathedral. If you’d like more information visit: