
We have two raised garden beds made of concrete block, which is really easy to build and gets the edibles up a little higher, so we don’t have to bend over as much. You probably will know what I mean the older you get. We grow tomatoes, peppers, beans, radishes, lettuce, and a few other edibles. The challenge for years has been the critters that get to the vegetables before we do. Building an easy, low-cost fence means no more critters in the veggie garden.

Those darn veggie thieves

We’ve had woodchucks, chipmunks, rabbits, and lots of deer grazing at our raised bed, like a buffet where they would help themselves.

I finally built a simple fence to keep them out. It’s made of 4×4 posts, 2×4 rails, 1×2 boards to keep the wire in and frame the fenced areas, and a black coated wire. The height is 4 ft., which fits the fencing material perfectly.

I installed two gates so we can access the garden from two different locations. I also added a grey 3/4 inch trap rock to help keep the mud down and give a nice path around all beds’ sides.

To date, we haven’t had any trouble with pesky critters nibbling before we have a chance to harvest, except for a chipmunk taking a cherry tomato now and then. And hopefully, there isn’t enough room for the deer to jump into the fenced area.


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