
What is it you just can't wait until you're off the job and can get out and enjoy? Maybe a quick nine holes on a sunny afternoon or a 5-mile run to clear your head? Taking the kids to soccer, swimming, or little league? Whatever sport you love, or love to watch, you'll find photos, stories, and tips from people who love it too.

5ks, Half-Marathons, & Marathons

From Boston to New York to Rome, Africa, and beyond, dedicated runners gather to run 13.1 or 26 miles. From novice to people who've been training and running all their lives, young and old, have the same goal of crossing the finish line. Share your favorite runs, best training methods and tips fro meals the week before.

The Love of Golf

Do you love getting out on the course when the dew is still on the grass and it's so quiet except when you swing your club and hit the ball for the first time? Do you have tips for slicing, techniques to help people with distance, or correcting their hook? Maybe you have a favorite club, ball, or even tee, share all of your passions with others that love the sport of golf. And don't forget to share photos and tips on your favorite courses around the world.

Little League Baseball

Founded in 1939, little league baseball has become a passionate family activity worldwide. Grandparents, parents, friends, and family spend evenings and weekends cheering children to hit, catch, and run the bases, but more importantly, it teaches kids the value of sportsmanship. Do you have favorite photos, stories of your kids or grandchildren, then share them here.
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