Great Outdoors

Is your happy place out in the open air of the great outdoors? Is your passion fishing, hunting, camping, or skiing the slopes? Explore favorite spots and hidden gems for all things outdoors.


I don’t think there’s anything better than feeling the “tap” on the line as you lose sight of your sinking jig in the water. Then it’s the anticipation as you carefully coax your catch close enough to see a glimpse of what’s on the end of the line. No matter if you love to deep-sea fish, stand in the cold water of a trout stream or fish around the world, this is the place to share your stories of what you’ve caught, what works best for you and as always, share about “the one that got away!”


As you and your Springer Spaniel walk along the corn stalks, your heart skips a beat as the first rooster flushes from the fence row. Or, it may be the excitement as you hear the sound of breaking twigs as the 12-point buck walks into view. Here you can share your passion and thrill of the hunt with tips, tried-and-true techniques, and photos with other hunters just like you.


Do you have a pair of binoculars next to your chair near the living room window? Or feeders strategically located around your property so you can sit and watch their antics? Or maybe you can identify birds by their songs? Share your passion for the art of birding, or birdwatching, with photos, tips to bring them in for better viewing, how to feed birds, best places in the world for watching and photographing, and more!

Glamping, Camping & Hiking

Fresh air, millions of stars shining in the sky, the crackle of the fire with a marshmallow ready for S'mores. This is what memories are made of. Share your favorite luxury yurt or rustic campsites, mountain hiking trails, cast-iron campfire recipes, or RV tips in this passion.


You're quietly waiting and then you hear leaves rustling and the deer and fawn come in to view. And you're ready with your camera and get the perfect shot. It was all worth it. Tips for the best photos, attracting wildlife to your yard, or just enjoying being in nature then this passion is for you.

National Parks

From deep canyons to towering forests, National Parks are preserved for us to visit, study, enjoy, and place in our hearts and memories forever. There are approximately 6,555 parks worldwide with Yellowstone National Park the first in the U.S., established in 1872. From the Grand Canyon in the United States to the Royal National park in Australia to Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa there are thousands of acres of land for us to experience.

Sailboats & Sailing

Throughout history, sailing has been instrumental in the development of civilizations. Used for trade, warfare, fishing, transportation, sport, or just because you love the wind in your face and the sound of the sail and water. Do you love the old warships that sailed the oceans? Maybe you have a sailboat that you've either built, restored, or just love to get out on the water. Share your tips for sailing, stories, suggested places to sail, races to attend, or maybe it's your life's passion and business, then share it all here with others that are passionate about sailing and sailboats.