opening-weekend-duck-hunt-imageI took these 3 wood ducks a day after opening weekend duck hunt in Iowa. Wood ducks love to bunch up in calm backwater off main river channels….and that’s exactly where I found this group. Well over 60 birds passed by me after these 3 fell. It was an awesome sight and a great hunt!

Preparation and patience

Duck hunting takes patients and skill. These birds are extremely fast and can spot movement from you or your dog as you wait in your blind. Most often, and this opening weekend duck hunt, I go out before sunrise, get the blind and decoys in the water and then have my hot coffee and wait for the sunlight to start filling the sky. Sometimes you spook a few birds in the dark, but it’s the way I’ve hunted ost often. Sometimes I wait until sunrise when the birds are out and I can set up and wait for them to return and fly into the open water.

I usually have plenty of wet and cold gear, but I also like to take along a hand warmer and even boot warmer. You’re sitting still and the wind can be pretty brisk as you sit in the blind and wait. But it’s worth it!