As winter comes to an end this year, I am anxiously waiting for trout fishing and getting back into the trout streams in NE, Iowa, with my Dad. During last year’s fishing trips to the Decorah, Iowa area, we caught lots of trout, returning most of our catch into the stream. We only keep enough for cooking over the campfire and to take a few home.

Visit the fish hatchery while you’re in the area.

There are a good number of streams in this part of Iowa. There’s also a fish hatchery just outside of Decorah. The DNR raises rainbow trout for release in the streams. Rainbow trout isn’t native to our part of the country, so they raise and release them into the wild. Brown and brook do fine, and often you can catch larger brown if you know where to go. You can learn about the trout streams in Iowa from the DNR website here. You can also find a schedule of the release dates for each stream.

We have our favorite streams and spots on the stream for catching trout. However, the heavy rains cause the streams to change each year. Part of the fun is not knowing what you’ll find.

Sometimes the best pictures are in your memory.

Three days of fishing success was caught on film. Unfortunately, a faulty SD card led to only a few pictures coming home with us. Even though we returned with only a few pictures to show family and friends…these trips with my father will stay in my mind – and are constantly replayed 🙂

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