If you want to discover a city or place you’ve never been to before, I find it helpful to get away from the significant sites and explore. Now, I’m not saying to be careless, you still need to be careful and aware of your surroundings no matter where you visit, but you’re able to submerse yourself in the culture and the people more than the tourist. Plus, there are many photo opportunities you may not find in the heavily traveled sites. So wander the streets of Rome, Italy, and you’ll experience life in the ancient city.

A tried-and-true tip for getting the most of your travels

A good tip I learned from someone I met, look for the places where the locals go. The bars, restaurants, piazzas, and those will probably be places with the best food, a lot of character, and fun. I’ve tried to use that little piece of advice everywhere I go. In your hometown, certain neighborhood places that have been there for years and run by the 3rd generation are some of the best go-to spots.

Discover local treasures when you wander the streets of R0me

On the last trip to Rome, we wandered off the beaten path and loved looking at the architecture, fountains (which there are many), side-street cafes, and little shops. We met wonderful people in the piazza located near our family-run bed & breakfast. Here are just a few photos from this trip. I’ll post more as I have the time.

Take care and EXPLORE, no matter where you go.

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